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X was making itself felt

  • 1 давать себя знать

    давать себя знать (чувствовать), тж. давать о себе знать
    make itself felt; cf. smth. is beginning to tell (to have its effect)

    Несколько часов ходьбы по улицам дали себя знать, - Самгин уже спал, когда Анфимьевна принесла стакан чаю. (М. Горький, Жизнь Клима Самгина) — The long hours of walking about the streets were beginning to have their effect, and when Anfimyevna brought him in a glass of tea he was already fast asleep.

    Полторы тысячи вёрст непрерывного отступления давали себя знать. (С. Голубов, Багратион) — The fifteen hundred versts of continuous retreat was making itself felt.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > давать себя знать

  • 2 С-84

    1. (subj: human
    usu. pfv) to achieve one's desired, established aim (when in conflict with another person or when struggling against adverse circumstances)
    X возьмёт своё = X will succeed (prevail, win out)
    X will get (have) his way (in limited contexts) X's turn (day, moment) will come X will get back at person Y X will take his revenge.
    «Дождались станишники (phonetic spelling = станичники) своего часа. И уж они, будьте покойны, они своё возьмут» (Максимов 3). This is just what the Cossacks have been waiting for. They'll take their revenge, don't you worry" (3a).
    2. ( subj: a noun denoting a season, natural phenomenon etc) to manifest itself fully
    X возьмёт своё = X will come into its own.
    ...Весна брала своё. Все кругом золотисто зеленело... (Тургенев 2)....Spring was coming into its own. All around him was the gold and verdure of spring... (2a).
    3. ( subj: abstr) to render its typical effect, dominate, usu. in an evident manner
    X брал свое - X was making itself felt
    X was having its way X was claiming its own X was prevailing ( usu. of old age, illness etc) X was taking its toll X was telling (on person Y) X was catching up (with person Y) (of age only) person Y was feeling his age (of disease only) X was overpowering person Y.
    Так жила тетя Маша со своими богатырскими дочерями -бедно, вольно, неряшливо. Дети и сама она питались чем попало, но могучая природа брала своё, и все они выглядели румяными, сильными, довольными (Искандер 3). Thus Aunt Masha lived with her herculean daughters-poor, free, and slovenly. The children, and she herself, lived from hand to mouth, but mighty nature had its way and all of them looked rosy, strong, and content (3a).
    «...Слышу, патер в дырочку (исповедальни) ей (девушке) назначает вечером свидание, а ведь старик - кремень, и вот пал в одно мгновение! Природа-то, правда-то природы взяла своё!» (Достоевский 2). "...I heard the priest arranging a rendezvous with her (the girl) for that evening through the hole (of the confessional booth)
    the old man was solid as a rock, but he fell in an instant! It was nature, the truth of nature, claiming its own!" (2a).
    ...Молодость брала своё: горе Наташи начало покрываться слоем впечатлений прожитой жизни, оно перестало такою мучительною болью лежать ей на сердце, начинало становиться прошедшим, и Наташа стала физически оправляться (Толстой 6)....Youth prevailed: Natasha's grief began to be submerged under the impressions of daily life and ceased to weigh so heavily on her heart, it gradually faded into the past, and she began to recover physically (6a).
    Он был уже так слаб от двенадцати (уколов), уже (врачи) качали головами над его анализами крови, - а надо было выдержать ещё столько же? Не мытьём, так катаньем болезнь брала своё (Солженицын 10). Не was so weak from the twelve (injections) he had had-already they (the doctors) were shaking their heads over his blood count-might he really have to endure the same number again? By hook or by crook the disease was overpowering him (10a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-84

  • 3 брать свое

    1. [subj: human; usu. pfv]
    to achieve one's desired, established aim (when in conflict with another person or when struggling against adverse circumstances):
    - X возьмёт своё X will succeed (prevail, win out);
    - [in limited contexts] X's turn (day, moment) will come;
    - X will take his revenge.
         ♦ "Дождались станишники [phonetic spelling = станичники] своего часа. И уж они, будьте покойны, они своё возьмут" (Максимов 3). "This is just what the Cossacks have been waiting for. They'll take their revenge, don't you worry" (3a).
    2. [subj: a noun denoting a season, natural phenomenon etc]
    to manifest itself fully:
    - X возьмёт своё X will come into its own.
         ♦...Весна брала своё. Все кругом золотисто зеленело... (Тургенев 2)....Spring was coming into its own. All around him was the gold and verdure of spring... (2a).
    3. [subj: abstr]
    to render its typical effect, dominate, usu. in an evident manner:
    - X брал свое X was making itself felt;
    - [usu. of old age, illness etc] X was taking its toll;
    - [of disease only] X was overpowering person Y.
         ♦ Так жила тетя Маша со своими богатырскими дочерями - бедно, вольно, неряшливо. Дети и сама она питались чем попало, но могучая природа брала своё, и все они выглядели румяными, сильными, довольными (Искандер 3). Thus Aunt Masha lived with her herculean daughters-poor, free, and slovenly. The children, and she herself, lived from hand to mouth, but mighty nature had its way and all of them looked rosy, strong, and content (3a).
         ♦ "...Слышу, патер в дырочку [исповедальни] ей [девушке] назначает вечером свидание, а ведь старик - кремень, и вот пал в одно мгновение! Природа-то, правда-то природы взяла своё!" (Достоевский 2). "...I heard the priest arranging a rendezvous with her [the girl] for that evening through the hole [of the confessional booth]; the old man was solid as a rock, but he fell in an instant! It was nature, the truth of nature, claiming its own!" (2a).
         ♦...Молодость брала своё: горе Наташи начало покрываться слоем впечатлений прожитой жизни, оно перестало такою мучительною болью лежать ей на сердце, начинало становиться прошедшим, и Наташа стала физически оправляться (Толстой 6)....Youth prevailed: Natasha's grief began to be submerged under the impressions of daily life and ceased to weigh so heavily on her heart; it gradually faded into the past, and she began to recover physically (6a).
         ♦ Он был уже так слаб от двенадцати [уколов], уже [врачи] качали головами над его анализами крови, - а надо было выдержать ещё столько же? Не мытьём, так катаньем болезнь брала своё (Солженицын 10). He was so weak from the twelve [injections] he had had-already they [the doctors] were shaking their heads over his blood count-might he really have to endure the same number again? By hook or by crook the disease was overpowering him (10a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > брать свое

  • 4 взять свое

    1. [subj: human; usu. pfv]
    to achieve one's desired, established aim (when in conflict with another person or when struggling against adverse circumstances):
    - X возьмёт своё X will succeed (prevail, win out);
    - [in limited contexts] X's turn (day, moment) will come;
    - X will take his revenge.
         ♦ "Дождались станишники [phonetic spelling = станичники] своего часа. И уж они, будьте покойны, они своё возьмут" (Максимов 3). "This is just what the Cossacks have been waiting for. They'll take their revenge, don't you worry" (3a).
    2. [subj: a noun denoting a season, natural phenomenon etc]
    to manifest itself fully:
    - X возьмёт своё X will come into its own.
         ♦...Весна брала своё. Все кругом золотисто зеленело... (Тургенев 2)....Spring was coming into its own. All around him was the gold and verdure of spring... (2a).
    3. [subj: abstr]
    to render its typical effect, dominate, usu. in an evident manner:
    - X брал свое X was making itself felt;
    - [usu. of old age, illness etc] X was taking its toll;
    - [of disease only] X was overpowering person Y.
         ♦ Так жила тетя Маша со своими богатырскими дочерями - бедно, вольно, неряшливо. Дети и сама она питались чем попало, но могучая природа брала своё, и все они выглядели румяными, сильными, довольными (Искандер 3). Thus Aunt Masha lived with her herculean daughters-poor, free, and slovenly. The children, and she herself, lived from hand to mouth, but mighty nature had its way and all of them looked rosy, strong, and content (3a).
         ♦ "...Слышу, патер в дырочку [исповедальни] ей [девушке] назначает вечером свидание, а ведь старик - кремень, и вот пал в одно мгновение! Природа-то, правда-то природы взяла своё!" (Достоевский 2). "...I heard the priest arranging a rendezvous with her [the girl] for that evening through the hole [of the confessional booth]; the old man was solid as a rock, but he fell in an instant! It was nature, the truth of nature, claiming its own!" (2a).
         ♦...Молодость брала своё: горе Наташи начало покрываться слоем впечатлений прожитой жизни, оно перестало такою мучительною болью лежать ей на сердце, начинало становиться прошедшим, и Наташа стала физически оправляться (Толстой 6)....Youth prevailed: Natasha's grief began to be submerged under the impressions of daily life and ceased to weigh so heavily on her heart; it gradually faded into the past, and she began to recover physically (6a).
         ♦ Он был уже так слаб от двенадцати [уколов], уже [врачи] качали головами над его анализами крови, - а надо было выдержать ещё столько же? Не мытьём, так катаньем болезнь брала своё (Солженицын 10). He was so weak from the twelve [injections] he had had-already they [the doctors] were shaking their heads over his blood count-might he really have to endure the same number again? By hook or by crook the disease was overpowering him (10a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > взять свое

  • 5 дать себя чувствовать

    [VP; subj: human; usu. foll. by a что-clause; fixed WO]
    to make (sth.) felt or understood:
    - X дал Y-y понять, что... X gave Y to understand that...;
    - X let Y know that...;
    - X made it clear < plain> that...;
    - X got the message across (that...);
    - X conveyed to Y that...;
    - [in limited contexts] X's manner <attitude etc> suggested that...;
    || давая понять, что... [in limited contexts] as if to say that...
         ♦ В конце концов, Колчерукий сумел успокоить его [родственника], дав понять, что убить никогда не поздно, если окажется, что Сандро виноват (Искандер 3). In the end, Bad Hand managed to soothe him [the relative] by giving him to understand that it was never too late to kill Sandro if it turned out he was guilty (3a).
         ♦ Я дал ей [княжне Мери] почувствовать очень запутанной фразой, что она мне давно нравится (Лермонтов 1). In a muddled sentence I let her [Princess Mary] know that I had long been attracted to her (lc).
         ♦ Тарантьев вообще постоянно был груб в обращении со всеми, не исключая и приятелей, как будто давал чувствовать, что, заговаривая с человеком, даже обедая или ужиная у него, он делает ему большую честь (Гончаров 1)....[Tbrantyev] was generally rude to everyone, including his friends, as though making it clear that he bestowed a great honour on a person by talking to him or having dinner or supper at his place (1a).
         ♦...Всем своим видом [Ефим] давал понять, что пишет о хороших людях потому, что сам хороший и в жизни замечает только хорошее... (Войнович 6)....His [Yefim's] whole manner suggested that he wrote about decent people because he himself was decent and saw only the good in life... (6a).
         ♦ Профессор снисходительно улыбнулся, давая понять, что студент ещё молод и зелен, и ему следует кое-что объяснить (Войнович 1). The professor smiled condescendingly, as if to say that the student was still young and green, and required enlightening (1a)
    [VP; subj: abstr or concr; usu. this WO]
    to manifest itself, become noticeable:
    - X даёт о себе знать X makes itself felt;
    - [of chronic illess, an ailing part of the body etc] X acts up;
    - [of age, hardship, illness etc] X is beginning to take its toll;
    - [of age, illness etc] X is beginning to tell on person Y.
         ♦ После той, батумской истории Влад навсегда зарёкся ввязываться в авантюры, подпадающие под какую-либо статью уголовного кодекса, но голод уже давал себя знать, да и роль, отведённая ему напарником в предстоящей операции, ограничивалась минимальным риском (Максимов 2). After the business in Batum, Vlad had sworn never to get mixed up in any adventures likely to be covered by some article of the Criminal Code, but hunger was already making itself felt, and his role of accomplice in the proposed operation involved only a minimum of risk (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > дать себя чувствовать

  • 6 notar

    to notice.
    ¿has notado algo extraño en su comportamiento? have you noticed anything strange in her behavior?
    noto frío en los pies my feet feel cold
    te noto cansado you look tired to me
    hacer notar algo to point something out
    nótese que el acusado estaba bebido note o observe that the accused was drunk
    Nosotros notamos un resplandor We noticed a brightness.
    * * *
    1 (percibir) to notice
    2 (sentir) to feel
    1 (percibirse) to be noticeable, be evident, show
    ¿se nota que no me he peinado? can you tell I haven't combed my hair?
    2 (sentirse) to feel
    hacer notar to point out
    hacerse notar to draw attention to oneself
    se nota que... one can see that...
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=darse cuenta de) to notice

    noté que la gente la miraba — I noticed people looking at her, I noticed that people were looking at her

    dejarse notar, la subida de los precios se dejará notar sobre todo en los alimentos — the rise in prices will be most noticeable in the case of food

    hacer notar algo — to point sth out

    le hice notar que había sido él, no yo, quien dio la orden — I pointed out to him that it had been him and not me who had given the order

    hacerse notar, los resultados se hicieron notar sin tardanza — the consequences soon became apparent

    2) (=sentir) [+ dolor, pinchazo, frío] to feel
    3) + adj
    4) (=anotar) to note down
    5) (=marcar) to mark, indicate
    6) [+ persona] (=criticar) to criticize; (=desacreditar) to discredit

    notar a algn de algo — to brand sb as sth, criticize sb for being sth

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( advertir) to notice

    hacerse notar — ( atraer la atención) to draw attention to oneself; ( dejarse sentir) to be felt

    se nota que es novatoyou can tell o see he's a beginner

    ¿se notan las puntadas? — do the stitches show?; (+ me/te/le etc)

    se te nota en la carait's written all over your face

    notarse v pron (+ compl) to feel
    * * *
    = notice, perceive, see, spot, watch, note, eye + catch.
    Ex. Notice that records 2 and 4 do not appear on the directory.
    Ex. Hypermedia offers unheard of opportunities to gain insight into the way young people perceive, process and use information.
    Ex. Where the conference cannot be seen to have a name, then the work will normally be treated as a collection.
    Ex. When all necessary amendments have been spotted, edit the draft abstract and make any improvements to the style that are possible.
    Ex. Watch what occurs as the letters 'New' and a space are typed.
    Ex. Collation is the term used for the physical check of books to note any imperfections such as missing or duplicated sections.
    Ex. As Klaus's acute observations are unhampered by romantic ideals, his eye catches the plastic trash by the roadway as well as the colors of moss on the landing strip.
    * ¡cómo se nota que no está el jefe! = while the cat's away, the mice will play.
    * digno de notar = noteworthy.
    * hacer notar = bring to + Posesivo + attention, bring to + the attention, mark, note, bring to + notice, bring + attention to, bring to + Posesivo + notice.
    * hacer notar la presencia de = make + Posesivo + presence felt, make + Posesivo + presence known.
    * nadie notaría la diferencia = no one would be the wiser.
    * notar 7 no pude evitar notar que = couldn't help but notice (that).
    * nótese el error = sic.
    * sin que se note la diferencia = seamlessly.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( advertir) to notice

    hacerse notar — ( atraer la atención) to draw attention to oneself; ( dejarse sentir) to be felt

    se nota que es novatoyou can tell o see he's a beginner

    ¿se notan las puntadas? — do the stitches show?; (+ me/te/le etc)

    se te nota en la carait's written all over your face

    notarse v pron (+ compl) to feel
    * * *
    = notice, perceive, see, spot, watch, note, eye + catch.

    Ex: Notice that records 2 and 4 do not appear on the directory.

    Ex: Hypermedia offers unheard of opportunities to gain insight into the way young people perceive, process and use information.
    Ex: Where the conference cannot be seen to have a name, then the work will normally be treated as a collection.
    Ex: When all necessary amendments have been spotted, edit the draft abstract and make any improvements to the style that are possible.
    Ex: Watch what occurs as the letters 'New' and a space are typed.
    Ex: Collation is the term used for the physical check of books to note any imperfections such as missing or duplicated sections.
    Ex: As Klaus's acute observations are unhampered by romantic ideals, his eye catches the plastic trash by the roadway as well as the colors of moss on the landing strip.
    * ¡cómo se nota que no está el jefe! = while the cat's away, the mice will play.
    * digno de notar = noteworthy.
    * hacer notar = bring to + Posesivo + attention, bring to + the attention, mark, note, bring to + notice, bring + attention to, bring to + Posesivo + notice.
    * hacer notar la presencia de = make + Posesivo + presence felt, make + Posesivo + presence known.
    * nadie notaría la diferencia = no one would be the wiser.
    * notar 7 no pude evitar notar que = couldn't help but notice (that).
    * nótese el error = sic.
    * sin que se note la diferencia = seamlessly.

    * * *
    notar [A1 ]
    1 (advertir, sentir) to notice
    notó que la puerta estaba abierta she noticed that the door was open
    hizo notar esta falta de interés he pointed out this lack of interest
    notaba el frío por todo el cuerpo she felt cold all over
    notó que alguien le tocaba el brazo she became aware of o she felt somebody touching her arm
    (+ compl): te noto muy cambiado you've changed a lot
    te noto muy triste you look/sound very sad, you seem very sad
    se le notaba indeciso he seemed hesitant
    hacerse notar (atraer la atención) to draw attention to oneself; (dejarse sentir) to be felt
    los efectos de la sequía ya se hacen notar the effects of the drought are already making themselves felt o are already being felt
    2 ( impers):
    ¿se nota que son de distinto color? can you tell o does it show that they're different colors?
    se nota que es novato you can tell o see he's a beginner
    ¡cómo se nota que no pagas tú! you can tell o it's obvious you're not paying!
    se notaba que había estado llorando you could see o tell she'd been crying
    ¿se notan las puntadas? do the stitches show?, can you see the stitches?
    se notó mucho que no le gustó it was very obvious o you could tell a mile off she didn't like it
    te has puesto maquillaje — ¿se nota mucho? you're wearing makeup — is it very noticeable o obvious?
    (+ me/te/le etc): se le nota ya la barriga it's beginning to show that she's pregnant
    apenas se le nota la cicatriz you can hardly see the scar
    se te nota en la cara I can tell by your face, it's written all over your face
    se le notan las lentillas you can see she's wearing contact lenses
    se le nota mucho el acento his accent is very noticeable
    (+ compl) to feel
    se notaban extraños entre esa gente they felt strange among those people
    me noto muy rara con este vestido I think I look funny o I feel funny in this dress
    * * *


    notar ( conjugate notar) verbo transitivo

    hacer(le) notar algo (a algn) to point sth out (to sb);
    te noto muy triste you look very sad;
    se le notaba indeciso he seemed hesitant
    b) ( impers):

    se nota que es novato you can tell o see he's a beginner;

    se te nota en la cara it's written all over your face
    notarse verbo pronominal (+ compl) to feel;

    notar verbo transitivo
    1 (darse cuenta) to notice ➣ Ver nota en notice
    2 (a alguien en un estado) to find: le noté cansado, I found him tired
    3 (sentir) to feel: noté frío, I felt cold

    ' notar' also found in these entries:
    - palpar
    - advertir
    - conocer
    - cuenta
    - exhibir
    - observar
    - remarcar
    - ver
    - discontent
    - evidence
    - feel
    - notice
    - sense
    - spot
    - thrust forward
    - creep
    - difference
    - show
    - tell
    * * *
    [advertir] to notice; [sentir] to feel;
    noté que alguien me miraba I sensed that someone was watching me;
    ¿notas una corriente de aire? can you feel a draught?;
    noto frío en los pies my feet feel cold;
    te noto cansado you look tired;
    lo noto raro he's acting strangely;
    la noté muy cambiada she'd changed a lot;
    la crisis económica se está dejando notar the recession is really making itself felt;
    hacer notar algo to point sth out;
    nótese que el acusado estaba bebido note o observe that the accused was drunk
    * * *
    1 notice;
    hacer notar algo a alguien point sth out to s.o.;
    se nota que you can tell that;
    hacerse notar draw attention to o.s.
    2 ( sentir) feel
    * * *
    notar vt
    1) : to notice
    hacer notar algo: to point out something
    2) : to tell
    la diferencia se nota inmediatamente: you can tell the difference right away
    * * *
    notar vb
    1. (advertir) to notice
    2. (sentir) to feel [pt. & pp. felt]

    Spanish-English dictionary > notar

  • 7 чувствовать

    несов. - чу́вствовать, сов. - почу́вствовать; (вн.)
    1) (испытывать какое-л ощущение, чувство) feel (d); have a sensation (of)

    чу́вствовать го́лод [жа́жду, уста́лость] — feel / be hungry [thirsty, tired]

    чу́вствовать жа́лость [ра́дость] — feel pity [joy]

    чу́вствовать свою́ вину́ — feel one's guilt

    он чу́вствовал, как красне́ет — he felt himself redden

    2) (улавливать, осознавать) feel (d), sense (d)

    мы почу́вствовали, что что́-то не так — we sensed / felt that something was wrong


    чу́вствовать себя́ (+ нареч.; прил. в тв.)feel (+ adj)

    чу́вствовать себя́ пло́хо / больны́м — feel / be unwell

    чу́вствовать себя́ лу́чше [ху́же] — feel better [worse]

    чу́вствовать себя́ оби́женным — feel hurt

    дава́ть себя́ чу́вствовать — make itself felt

    ра́на даёт себя́ чу́вствовать — the wound [wuːnd] is making itself felt

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > чувствовать

  • 8 Д-7

    ДАВАТЬ/ДАТЬ СЕБЯ ЗНАТЬ (ЧУВСТВОВАТЬ) ДАТЬ СЕБЙ ПОЧУВСТВОВАТЬ VP subj: abstr or concr usu. this WO to manifest itself, become noticeable
    X даёт о себе знать - X makes itself felt
    X has its effect on person Y (of chronic illess, an ailing part of the body etc) X acts up (of age, hardship, illness etc) X is beginning to take its toll (of age, illness etc) X is beginning to tell on person Y.
    После той, батумской истории Влад навсегда зарёкся ввязываться в авантюры, подпадающие под какую-либо статью уголовного кодекса, но голод уже давал себя знать, да и роль, отведённая ему напарником в предстоящей операции, ограничивалась минимальным риском (Максимов 2). After the business in Batum, Vlad had sworn never to get mixed up in any adventures likely to be covered by some article of the Criminal Code, but hunger was already making itself felt, and his role of accomplice in the proposed operation involved only a minimum of risk (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-7

  • 9 давать себя знать

    [VP; subj: abstr or concr; usu. this WO]
    to manifest itself, become noticeable:
    - X даёт о себе знать X makes itself felt;
    - [of chronic illess, an ailing part of the body etc] X acts up;
    - [of age, hardship, illness etc] X is beginning to take its toll;
    - [of age, illness etc] X is beginning to tell on person Y.
         ♦ После той, батумской истории Влад навсегда зарёкся ввязываться в авантюры, подпадающие под какую-либо статью уголовного кодекса, но голод уже давал себя знать, да и роль, отведённая ему напарником в предстоящей операции, ограничивалась минимальным риском (Максимов 2). After the business in Batum, Vlad had sworn never to get mixed up in any adventures likely to be covered by some article of the Criminal Code, but hunger was already making itself felt, and his role of accomplice in the proposed operation involved only a minimum of risk (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > давать себя знать

  • 10 давать себя чувствовать

    [VP; subj: abstr or concr; usu. this WO]
    to manifest itself, become noticeable:
    - X даёт о себе знать X makes itself felt;
    - [of chronic illess, an ailing part of the body etc] X acts up;
    - [of age, hardship, illness etc] X is beginning to take its toll;
    - [of age, illness etc] X is beginning to tell on person Y.
         ♦ После той, батумской истории Влад навсегда зарёкся ввязываться в авантюры, подпадающие под какую-либо статью уголовного кодекса, но голод уже давал себя знать, да и роль, отведённая ему напарником в предстоящей операции, ограничивалась минимальным риском (Максимов 2). After the business in Batum, Vlad had sworn never to get mixed up in any adventures likely to be covered by some article of the Criminal Code, but hunger was already making itself felt, and his role of accomplice in the proposed operation involved only a minimum of risk (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > давать себя чувствовать

  • 11 дать себя знать

    [VP; subj: abstr or concr; usu. this WO]
    to manifest itself, become noticeable:
    - X даёт о себе знать X makes itself felt;
    - [of chronic illess, an ailing part of the body etc] X acts up;
    - [of age, hardship, illness etc] X is beginning to take its toll;
    - [of age, illness etc] X is beginning to tell on person Y.
         ♦ После той, батумской истории Влад навсегда зарёкся ввязываться в авантюры, подпадающие под какую-либо статью уголовного кодекса, но голод уже давал себя знать, да и роль, отведённая ему напарником в предстоящей операции, ограничивалась минимальным риском (Максимов 2). After the business in Batum, Vlad had sworn never to get mixed up in any adventures likely to be covered by some article of the Criminal Code, but hunger was already making itself felt, and his role of accomplice in the proposed operation involved only a minimum of risk (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > дать себя знать

  • 12 дать себя почувствовать

    [VP; subj: abstr or concr; usu. this WO]
    to manifest itself, become noticeable:
    - X даёт о себе знать X makes itself felt;
    - [of chronic illess, an ailing part of the body etc] X acts up;
    - [of age, hardship, illness etc] X is beginning to take its toll;
    - [of age, illness etc] X is beginning to tell on person Y.
         ♦ После той, батумской истории Влад навсегда зарёкся ввязываться в авантюры, подпадающие под какую-либо статью уголовного кодекса, но голод уже давал себя знать, да и роль, отведённая ему напарником в предстоящей операции, ограничивалась минимальным риском (Максимов 2). After the business in Batum, Vlad had sworn never to get mixed up in any adventures likely to be covered by some article of the Criminal Code, but hunger was already making itself felt, and his role of accomplice in the proposed operation involved only a minimum of risk (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > дать себя почувствовать

  • 13 atak|ować

    impf vt 1. (napadać) to attack [bezbronnego]
    - atakować kogoś nożem to attack sb with a knife ⇒ zaatakować
    2. (o wojsku) [żołnierze, oddziały, pluton, eskadry, czołgi] to attack [nieprzyjaciela, twierdzę, bunkier]zaatakować 3. (krytykować) [dziennikarze, prasa] to attack [osobę, poglądy]; to criticize [postępowanie, działania]
    - atakować kogoś za jego poglądy to attack a. criticize sb for their views
    - był atakowany z wielu stron he was attacked a. criticized from all sides
    - powieść atakuje tradycyjną moralność mieszczańską the novel attacks traditional middle-class morals
    4. (silnie oddziaływać) [choroby, erozja, rdza] to attack
    - reumatyzm atakuje serce rheumatism attacks the heart
    - zima atakuje winter is making itself felt
    5. Sport to attack [przeciwnika, bramkę]; (podejmować próbę pobicia) to attempt
    - drużyna atakuje środkiem boiska the team are attacking in midfield
    - atakować rekord świata/szczyt Mount Everest to attempt the world record/the summit of Mount Everest ⇒ zaatakować

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > atak|ować

  • 14 show

    [ʃəu] 1. гл.; прош. вр. showed; прич. прош. вр. shown; showed

    He showed me the pictures of his family. — Он показал мне фотографии своей семьи.

    I've got a new toy I want to show you. — У меня есть новая игрушка, которую я хочу тебе показать.

    2) показывать, выявлять, устанавливать

    The survey showed that up to 90 per cent of big UK employers use part-time and temporary workers. — Опрос показал, что до 90 процентов крупных работодателей в Соединённом Королевстве используют совместителей и временных работников.

    These are important figures which show clearly what has been happening in the UK labour market. — Это важные цифры, которые ясно показывают, что происходит в последнее время на рынке рабочей силы в Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.

    3) показывать, объяснять; учить

    He showed us how to lasso. — Он показал нам, как нужно ловить арканом.

    4) показывать, указывать

    Many people showed us marks on walls where the waters reached. — Многие показывали нам отметки на стенах, которые оставила вода.

    5) показывать ( путь), провожать, сопровождать

    to show smb. round / around — сопровождать кого-л. во время осмотра

    He let me in and showed me the way to the sitting room. — Он впустил меня в дом и проводил в гостиную.

    He showed us to our seats. — Он проводил нас на наши места.

    I'll show you out. — Я вас провожу (к выходу).

    Ella showed her around the town. — Эльза показала ей местные достопримечательности.

    During her visit to Bangladesh in 1983 Her Majesty was shown around a children's clinic. — Во время визита в Бангладеш в 1983 Её Величество осмотрела детскую клинику.

    Show the doctor up when he comes. — Проводите доктора наверх, когда он придёт.

    а) проявлять, выказывать ( эмоции)

    The enemy showed no mercy. — Враги были беспощадны.

    Iran is showing its displeasure. — Иран выражает недовольство.

    If he was bitter, it did not show. — Возможно он обиделся, но не показывал виду.

    The world is showing concern over the invasion. — Мировое сообщество выражает озабоченность по поводу вторжения.

    The US showed its own goodwill by undertaking to withdraw their troops. — США продемонстрировали со своей стороны добрую волю, взяв обязательство вывести свои войска.

    б) проявляться, появляться (на лице; о негативных эмоциях)

    He was upset but never let it show. — Он был расстроен, но не показывал виду.

    Your grief is showing. — Ваше горе не скроешь.

    The fear they felt showed clearly in their faces. — Страх, который они чувствовали, был написан у них на лице.

    а) проявлять себя, оказываться

    He showed himself a harsh ruler. — Он оказался суровым правителем.

    He has shown himself willing to participate in the debate. — Он выразил желание принять участие в дебатах.

    Panic can show itself in many different ways. — Паника может проявляться по разному.

    Tact also shows itself in respecting what others hold dear. — Тактичность также проявляется в уважении к тому, что дорого другим.

    а) показывать, обнаруживать, выделять

    to show the signs of smth. — обнаруживать признаки чего-л.

    to show profit / loss — быть прибыльным, убыточным

    The bodies showed the signs of torture. — На телах были обнаружены следы пыток.

    The suit was showing the signs of wear. — Костюм выглядел поношенным.

    White carpet showed every mark. — На белом ковре было заметно каждое пятно.

    Сorporate America is showing the signs of recovery. — Появились признаки того, что американские корпорации выходят из кризиса.

    Two animals are thought to be incubating the disease but not showing symptoms. — Полагают, что у двух животных болезнь находится в инкубационном периоде, поэтому симптомы пока не заметны.

    The sector was showing only 0.5 per cent growth. — Рост в этом секторе составляет всего лишь 0,5%.

    The construction sector showed the biggest losses. — Строительный сектор понёс самые большие убытки.

    б) выделяться, виднеться, обнаруживаться

    Don't worry, the stain will never show. — Не переживайте, пятно будет незаметно.

    My dandruff is showing. — Перхоть у меня на волосах - заметна.

    Then hammer them in so that only the top 6 inches (15cm) is showing. — А затем вбейте их так, чтобы виднелась только верхушка – 6 дюймов (15 см).

    Mike was in the water, his red life-jacket showing clearly. — Майк был в воде, его красный спасательный жилет был хорошо заметен.

    9) = show through проступать, быть заметным; просвечивать

    The bra showed through (the blouse). — Бюстгальтер просвечивал (через блузку).

    The old dog was so thin that his bones showed through (his skin). — Старая собака была такой тощей, что сквозь кожу проступали кости.

    She spoke near-perfect American, though occasionally her native Welsh accent showed through. — Она говорила на американском английском почти идеально, её родной валлийский акцент проскальзывал лишь иногда.

    10) показывать, предъявлять ( документ)

    I showed my driver's license to the policeman. — Я показал полцейскому свои права.

    а) показывать, отмечать, регистрировать ( о приборе)

    The luminous dial on the clock showed five minutes to seven. — Светящийся циферблат часов показывал, что сейчас без пяти семь.

    б) отмечаться, регистрироваться ( прибором), виднеться ( на экране)

    My test score showed on the screen. — На экране появился результат моего теста (сколько очков я набрала).

    12) показывать, изображать

    The photo shows the American and Soviet leaders standing side by side on the lawn of the White House. — На фото изображены лидеры США и СССР, стоящие рядом на лужайке перед Белым домом.

    а) показывать, играть, давать (пьесу, фильм)

    William showed us the video of his wedding. — Вильям показал нам видео своей свадьбы.

    Most cinemas will not show NC-17 films. — Большинство кинотеатров отказываются демонстрировать фильмы категории "Эн-Си-17" (зрители до 17 лет не допускаются).

    It was the first film shown at Radio City Music Hall. — Это был первый фильм, который показали в киноконцертном зале "Рэдио-сити".

    б) идти (о пьесе, фильме)

    There's J.B. Priestley's classic drama showing at the Garrick Theatre. — В театре «Гаррик» идёт классическая драма Джона Бойтона Пристли.

    а) выставлять; предлагать для продажи

    The Royal Academy is showing Pissarro. — В Королевской академии искусств идёт выставка работ французского художника Камиля Писсаро.

    б) выставляться; предлагаться для продажи

    An exhibition of paintings and charcoal drawings by Georgia O'Keeffe is showing at the Hayward Gallery. — В галерее Хейуарда идёт выставка Джорджии О'Киф: картины и графика.

    15) = show up появляться, приходить

    He failed to show for the opening game of the season. — Он не появился на игре, открывшей сезон.

    16) юр. представлять
    17) амер. финишировать третьим или одним из первых трёх ( о лошади на скачках)
    18) зарегистрировать ( лошадь) для участия в соревнованиях
    19) брит.; разг. быть на последних сроках беременности
    - show up

    to show (smb.) a clean pair of heels — дать стрекоча, дать тягу, улепётывать

    to show smb. who's boss — показать, кто главный

    to show promise — подавать надежды, свидетельствовать о таланте

    to show smb. the ropes — ввести кого-л. в курс дела

    - show one's hand
    - show a leg
    - show smb. the door
    - show one's face
    2. сущ.
    а) спектакль; шоу, представление; показ; выставка

    horse show — выставка лошадей, конноспортивный праздник

    motor / auto show — автосалон, автомобильный салон; автомобильная выставка

    ice show — эстрадное представление на льду; балет на льду, ревю

    variety show — варьете, эстрадное представление, эстрадный концерт

    minstrel show амер.шоу менестрелей (жанр развлекательных представлений, распространённый в середине 19 века)

    to do / produce / put on / stage a show — ставить спектакль

    to see / watch a show — смотреть спектакль

    Let's go to a show. — Пойдёмте в театр.

    I enjoyed the show immensely. — Мне очень понравился спектакль.

    The show starts at 7.30 p.m. — Представление начинается в половине восьмого вечера.

    б) телевизионная или радио программа

    chat show брит. / talk show амер.тлв. ток-шоу

    game show — телеигра, телевизионная игра

    а) показ, показывание, демонстрация

    She was frightened by any show of affection. — Любые знаки внимания отпугивали её.

    б) видимость, притворство

    only a show of kindness / regret — только видимость доброго отношения, сожаления

    I made a show of believing her. — Я сделал вид, что верю ей.

    He was making a show of working while actually doing very little. — Он изображал, что работает, хотя в действительности почти ничего не делал.

    4) брит.; разг. посмешище

    Now, don't make a show of yourself. — Пожалуйста, не делай из себя посмешище.

    а) след, признак наличия

    There is a show of reason in it. — В этом есть какой-то смысл.

    б) физиол. предродовые воды
    7) разг. дело, предприятие; организованная активность

    to give away the show — выдать, разболтать секрет, проговориться; разболтать о недостатках (какого-л. предприятия)

    to run / boss the show — заправлять (чем-л.); хозяйничать

    8) спорт.; жарг. третье место на финише ( обычно в конных соревнованиях)
    9) амер.; разг. удобный случай или возможность проявить себя, показать свои силы; шанс

    Let's give him a show in spite of his background. — Давайте дадим ему (ещё один) шанс, несмотря на его происхождение.

    We must give the boy a good / fair show. — Надо дать парню возможность проявить себя.

    chance 1.
    10) воен.; жарг. операция, бой; заваруха

    to put up a good / poor show разг. — хорошо, плохо себя проявить

    Let's get this show on the road. разг. — Пора приниматься за работу.

    dog-and-pony show амер.; разг.показуха

    - show of hands
    - for show

    Англо-русский современный словарь > show

  • 15 impulso

    1 impulse (physics).
    2 momentum (empuje).
    tomar impulso to take a run-up
    3 stimulus, boost.
    la medida supondrá un impulso al consumo the measure will boost consumption
    dar impulso a una iniciativa to encourage o promote an initiative
    4 impulse, urge.
    un impulso me hizo gritar a sudden impulse made me shout
    mi primer impulso fue marcharme my first instinct was to leave
    5 pulse.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: impulsar.
    * * *
    1 impulse
    2 (fuerza, velocidad) momentum
    actuar por impulso to act on an impulse
    tomar impulso to take a run-up
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=empuje)

    coger o tomar impulso — to gather momentum

    2) (=estímulo) boost
    3) (=deseo instintivo) impulse

    impulso sexual — sexual urge, sex drive

    4) (Fís, Fisiol) impulse
    * * *
    a) ( empuje)

    tomar or darse impulso — to gather momentum, to get up speed

    b) (reacción, deseo) impulse

    mi primer impulso fue... — my first instinct was...

    * * *
    = drive, force, impetus, thrust, push, impulse, momentum, urge, kick-start [kickstart], burst, jump-start [jumpstart].
    Ex. Hierarchical bibliometry would act as a positive drive to support the authorship requirements now stipulated by some international editorial committees.
    Ex. Her reason admitted the force of his arguments, but her instinct opposed it.
    Ex. The original impetus has been diverted into specific applications.
    Ex. The National IT plan proposes 7 building blocks each with a strategic thrust which will serve as the overall impetus for the national IT movement.
    Ex. The key issue to note here is that the global push to describe and document Indigenous knowledge is gaining momentum.
    Ex. The impulse to learn is a ruling passion in very few people; in most of us it is so weak that a frowning aspect can discourage it.
    Ex. They were splendid starters of projects but like so many bibliographers poor sustainers of momentum.
    Ex. The urge to mechanize paper-making came at first as much from the papermakers' desire to free themselves from dependence upon their skilled but rebellious workmen as from the pursuit of production economies.
    Ex. That would be a great kick-start to raising awareness of IFLA 2002.
    Ex. Fueled by inspiration, coffee and Benzedrine, Kerouac sat down at his typewriter and -- in one burst of creative energy -- wrote the novel that would make him the voice of his generation in just 20 days.
    Ex. No hospital creates a healthier community all by itself but it can give its neighbors a jump-start.
    * actuar por impulso = act on + impulse.
    * cobrar impulso = gain + strength.
    * dar un impulso = kick-start [kickstart].
    * dar un nuevo impulso = pep up.
    * impulso básico = primitive urge.
    * impulso eléctrico = electrical impulse.
    * impulso primitivo = primitive urge.
    * resistir un impulso = resist + impulse.
    * sentir un impulso = have + an impulse.
    * un nuevo impulso = a new lease of life.
    * * *
    a) ( empuje)

    tomar or darse impulso — to gather momentum, to get up speed

    b) (reacción, deseo) impulse

    mi primer impulso fue... — my first instinct was...

    * * *
    = drive, force, impetus, thrust, push, impulse, momentum, urge, kick-start [kickstart], burst, jump-start [jumpstart].

    Ex: Hierarchical bibliometry would act as a positive drive to support the authorship requirements now stipulated by some international editorial committees.

    Ex: Her reason admitted the force of his arguments, but her instinct opposed it.
    Ex: The original impetus has been diverted into specific applications.
    Ex: The National IT plan proposes 7 building blocks each with a strategic thrust which will serve as the overall impetus for the national IT movement.
    Ex: The key issue to note here is that the global push to describe and document Indigenous knowledge is gaining momentum.
    Ex: The impulse to learn is a ruling passion in very few people; in most of us it is so weak that a frowning aspect can discourage it.
    Ex: They were splendid starters of projects but like so many bibliographers poor sustainers of momentum.
    Ex: The urge to mechanize paper-making came at first as much from the papermakers' desire to free themselves from dependence upon their skilled but rebellious workmen as from the pursuit of production economies.
    Ex: That would be a great kick-start to raising awareness of IFLA 2002.
    Ex: Fueled by inspiration, coffee and Benzedrine, Kerouac sat down at his typewriter and -- in one burst of creative energy -- wrote the novel that would make him the voice of his generation in just 20 days.
    Ex: No hospital creates a healthier community all by itself but it can give its neighbors a jump-start.
    * actuar por impulso = act on + impulse.
    * cobrar impulso = gain + strength.
    * dar un impulso = kick-start [kickstart].
    * dar un nuevo impulso = pep up.
    * impulso básico = primitive urge.
    * impulso eléctrico = electrical impulse.
    * impulso primitivo = primitive urge.
    * resistir un impulso = resist + impulse.
    * sentir un impulso = have + an impulse.
    * un nuevo impulso = a new lease of life.

    * * *
    (empuje): un fuerte impulso para el comercio a major boost for trade
    queremos dar un nuevo impulso a la iniciativa we want to give fresh impetus to the initiative
    la organización fue creada bajo el impulso del doctor Pascual Dr Pascual was the driving force behind the creation of the organization
    se fue para atrás para coger or darse impulso he moved back to gather momentum o to get up speed
    2 (reacción) impulse
    actuó por impulso he acted on impulse
    mi primer impulso fue irme my first instinct was to leave
    no pude resistir el impulso de tocarlo I couldn't resist touching it o the urge to touch it
    sentí el impulso de besarlo I had a sudden urge o impulse to kiss him
    3 ( Fís) impulse
    * * *


    Del verbo impulsar: ( conjugate impulsar)

    impulso es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    impulsó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    impulsar ( conjugate impulsar) verbo transitivo
    a)motor/vehículo to propel, drive

    b) persona to drive

    c)comercio, producción to boost, give a boost to;

    cultura/relaciones to promote
    impulso sustantivo masculino
    a) ( empuje):

    dar impulso a algo ( a comercio) to give a boost to sth;

    ( a iniciativa) to give impetus to sth;
    tomar or darse impulso to gather momentum, to get up speed
    b) (reacción, deseo) impulse;

    mi primer impulso fue … my first instinct was …

    c) (Fís) impulse

    impulsar verbo transitivo
    1 to impel, drive: el viento impulsa la cometa, the kite is driven by the wind
    2 (estimular) to motivate: sus palabras de ánimo me impulsaron a seguir, his words of encouragement inspired me to go on
    impulso sustantivo masculino
    1 (fuerza) impulse, thrust
    Med impulso nervioso, nerve impulse
    2 (deseo) urge, impulse: sentí el impulso de besarle, I felt the urge to kiss him
    ♦ Locuciones: Dep tomar impulso, to take a run up
    ' impulso' also found in these entries:
    - corazonada
    - frenar
    - rapto
    - repente
    - reprimir
    - resistir
    - resistirse
    - retener
    - trampolín
    - móvil
    - tentación
    - impetus
    - impulse
    - prompt
    - urge
    - drive
    - lift
    * * *
    1. Fís impulse
    2. [empuje] momentum;
    llevaba tanto impulso que no pudo detenerse he was going so fast that he couldn't stop;
    tomar impulso [tomar carrerilla] to take a Br run-up o US running start;
    esta nueva tendencia está tomando mucho impulso this new tendency is gaining momentum
    3. [estímulo] stimulus, boost;
    la medida supondrá un impulso al consumo the measure will boost consumption;
    dar impulso a una iniciativa to encourage o promote an initiative
    4. [deseo, reacción] impulse, urge;
    un impulso me hizo gritar a sudden impulse made me shout;
    mi primer impulso fue marcharme my first instinct was to leave;
    sentir el impulso de hacer algo to feel the urge to do sth;
    * * *
    1 ( arrebato) impulse
    2 ( empuje) impetus; COM boost; fig
    urge, impulse;
    tomar impulso take a run up
    * * *
    1) : drive, thrust
    2) : impulse, urge
    * * *
    1. (deseo) impulse / urge
    2. (estímulo) boost
    tomar impulso to take a run up [pt. took; pp. taken]

    Spanish-English dictionary > impulso

  • 16 deseo

    1 desire.
    arder en deseos de hacer algo to be burning with desire to do something
    2 wish (anhelo).
    se cumplió mi deseo my wish came true, I got my wish
    pedir/conceder un deseo to ask for/grant a wish
    tus deseos son órdenes your wish is my command
    buenos deseos good intentions
    con mis/nuestros mejores deseos (with my/our) best wishes (en carta, obsequio)
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: desear.
    * * *
    1 wish, desire
    formular un deseo to make a wish
    tener deseo de algo to wish something
    tengo muchos deseos de que llegue el verano I wish summer would come, I'm longing for the summer
    buenos deseos good intentions
    * * *
    noun m.
    desire, wish
    * * *
    1) (=anhelo) desire, wish

    mi mayor deseo es encontrar un trabajomy dearest wish o greatest desire is to find a job

    tengo deseos de verla — I yearn to see her, I'm longing to see her

    ardo en deseos de conocerlaliter I have a burning desire to meet her

    2) (=cosa deseada) wish

    pedir o formular un deseo — to make a wish

    3) (tb: deseo sexual) desire
    * * *
    a) ( anhelo) wish

    tus deseos son órdenes para mí — (fr hecha) your wish is my command (set phrase)

    deseos de algo: con mis mejores deseos de felicidad/éxito wishing you every happiness/success; ardía en deseos de verla — (liter) he had a burning desire to see her

    b) ( apetito sexual) desire
    * * *
    = appetite, desire, want, will, willingness, wish, craving, urge, thirst, yearning.
    Ex. We need to know what and how consumers' information appetites have changed.
    Ex. Equally important was the desire to achieve a single text.
    Ex. Several possible rules governing the reference interview are examined; one calls for inquiry into client's underlying wants, 'the face value rule', another for inquiry into underlying needs, 'the purpose rule'.
    Ex. 'I only wanted to write an interesting tale,' he will say, ignoring that the interest of a story almost always comes from seeing the human will in action -- against chaos or against order.
    Ex. The basic answer is a willingness to divert the resources to do it, and the ability to find the resources.
    Ex. On Carmichael's face came the look of one who sees the immediate fulfillment of a wish.
    Ex. The craving for data to document the status and excellence of library service is very real.
    Ex. The urge to mechanize paper-making came at first as much from the papermakers' desire to free themselves from dependence upon their skilled but rebellious workmen as from the pursuit of production economies.
    Ex. The thirst grew not just for preservation but for circulation of stories that gave meaning to life and coherence to communities.
    Ex. A flood of feeling welled up in him about life and death and beauty and suffering and transitoriness and the yearning of his unsatisfied soul for a happiness not to be found on earth which poured out in 'Ode to a Nightingale'.
    * amoldarse al deseo de Alguien = bend itself to + Posesivo + will.
    * contra el deseo de Alguien = against + Posesivo + will.
    * deseo de = hunger for, lust for, greed for.
    * deseo de aventura = thirst for adventure.
    * deseo de cooperación = engagement.
    * deseo de matar = bloodlust.
    * deseo explícito = explicit wish.
    * deseo + hacerse realidad = wish + come true.
    * deseo inconsciente de morir = death-wish.
    * deseo por aprender = thirst for knowledge.
    * deseo sexual = lust, sexual desire.
    * despertar el deseo = arouse + hunger.
    * expresar los deseos de uno = make + Posesivo + wishes known.
    * falta de deseo = unwillingness.
    * fuente de los deseos = wishing well.
    * hacer realidad una deseo = fulfil + Posesivo + wish.
    * lista de deseos = wish list.
    * pedir un deseo = make + a wish, mounting problems.
    * pozo de los deseos = wishing well.
    * quitar el deseo = suffocate + desire.
    * satisfacer el deseo = satisfy + appetite.
    * satisfacer el deseo de Uno por = indulge + Posesivo + taste for.
    * sentir el deseo de = have + an/the inclination to, get + the urge to.
    * * *
    a) ( anhelo) wish

    tus deseos son órdenes para mí — (fr hecha) your wish is my command (set phrase)

    deseos de algo: con mis mejores deseos de felicidad/éxito wishing you every happiness/success; ardía en deseos de verla — (liter) he had a burning desire to see her

    b) ( apetito sexual) desire
    * * *
    = appetite, desire, want, will, willingness, wish, craving, urge, thirst, yearning.

    Ex: We need to know what and how consumers' information appetites have changed.

    Ex: Equally important was the desire to achieve a single text.
    Ex: Several possible rules governing the reference interview are examined; one calls for inquiry into client's underlying wants, 'the face value rule', another for inquiry into underlying needs, 'the purpose rule'.
    Ex: 'I only wanted to write an interesting tale,' he will say, ignoring that the interest of a story almost always comes from seeing the human will in action -- against chaos or against order.
    Ex: The basic answer is a willingness to divert the resources to do it, and the ability to find the resources.
    Ex: On Carmichael's face came the look of one who sees the immediate fulfillment of a wish.
    Ex: The craving for data to document the status and excellence of library service is very real.
    Ex: The urge to mechanize paper-making came at first as much from the papermakers' desire to free themselves from dependence upon their skilled but rebellious workmen as from the pursuit of production economies.
    Ex: The thirst grew not just for preservation but for circulation of stories that gave meaning to life and coherence to communities.
    Ex: A flood of feeling welled up in him about life and death and beauty and suffering and transitoriness and the yearning of his unsatisfied soul for a happiness not to be found on earth which poured out in 'Ode to a Nightingale'.
    * amoldarse al deseo de Alguien = bend itself to + Posesivo + will.
    * contra el deseo de Alguien = against + Posesivo + will.
    * deseo de = hunger for, lust for, greed for.
    * deseo de aventura = thirst for adventure.
    * deseo de cooperación = engagement.
    * deseo de matar = bloodlust.
    * deseo explícito = explicit wish.
    * deseo + hacerse realidad = wish + come true.
    * deseo inconsciente de morir = death-wish.
    * deseo por aprender = thirst for knowledge.
    * deseo sexual = lust, sexual desire.
    * despertar el deseo = arouse + hunger.
    * expresar los deseos de uno = make + Posesivo + wishes known.
    * falta de deseo = unwillingness.
    * fuente de los deseos = wishing well.
    * hacer realidad una deseo = fulfil + Posesivo + wish.
    * lista de deseos = wish list.
    * pedir un deseo = make + a wish, mounting problems.
    * pozo de los deseos = wishing well.
    * quitar el deseo = suffocate + desire.
    * satisfacer el deseo = satisfy + appetite.
    * satisfacer el deseo de Uno por = indulge + Posesivo + taste for.
    * sentir el deseo de = have + an/the inclination to, get + the urge to.

    * * *
    1 (anhelo) wish
    el hada le concedió tres deseos the fairy granted him three wishes
    formular un deseo to make a wish
    que se hagan realidad or que se cumplan todos tus deseos may all your wishes come true
    tus deseos son órdenes para mí ( fr hecha); your wish is my command ( set phrase)
    se procedió según su deseo everything was done according to his wishes
    su último deseo fue que lo enterrasen allí his dying o last wish was to be buried there
    deseos DE algo:
    con mis mejores deseos de felicidad/éxito wishing you every happiness/success
    deseos DE + INF:
    ardía en deseos de verla ( liter); he had a burning desire to see her
    la satisfacción del deseo the satisfaction of desire
    * * *


    Del verbo desear: ( conjugate desear)

    deseo es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    deseó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    desear ( conjugate desear) verbo transitivo
    1suerte/éxito/felicidad to wish;

    2 ( querer):

    las tan deseadas vacaciones the long-awaited holidays;
    lo que más deseo es … my greatest wish is …;
    si tú lo deseas if you want to;
    deseoía una respuesta ahora I would like a reply now;
    está deseando verte he's really looking forward to seeing you;
    ¿desea que se lo envuelva? (frml) would you like me to wrap it for you?
    3 persona to desire, want
    deseo sustantivo masculino
    a) ( anhelo) wish;

    desear verbo transitivo
    1 (anhelar, querer con intensidad) to desire: estoy deseando verte, I'm looking forward to seeing you
    te deseo lo mejor, I wish you all the best
    (suerte, felicidad, etc) to wish: os deseo unas felices vacaciones, have a good holiday
    2 (sexualmente) to desire, want
    3 frml (querer) to want: ¿desea usted algo, caballero?, can I help you, Sir?
    deseo ver al director, I would like to see the manager
    ♦ Locuciones: deja mucho/bastante que desear, it leaves a lot to be desired
    deseo sustantivo masculino
    1 wish
    2 (sexual, pasional) desire
    deseos de venganza, desire for revenge
    ♦ Locuciones: arder en deseos, to yearn for
    ' deseo' also found in these entries:
    - ansia
    - aspiración
    - capricho
    - carnal
    - conceder
    - cumplir
    - cumplirse
    - desear
    - formular
    - gana
    - hambre
    - impulso
    - pretensión
    - provocar
    - prurito
    - que
    - rabiar
    - realizar
    - saciar
    - satisfacción
    - sed
    - si
    - sucumbir
    - sueño
    - voluntad
    - ardiente
    - avivar
    - excitar
    - felicitación
    - feliz
    - ferviente
    - insatisfecho
    - irrealizable
    - irresistible
    - mejor
    - querer
    - viveza
    - vivo
    - appetite
    - ardent
    - death wish
    - desire
    - every
    - express
    - get-well card
    - indulge
    - indulgence
    - intense
    - longing
    - lust
    - overwhelming
    - sexual
    - uncontrollable
    - unvoiced
    - wish
    * * *
    deseo nm
    1. [pasión] desire;
    no sentía ningún deseo por él she felt no desire for him
    2. [anhelo] wish;
    piensa un deseo y sopla las velas think of a wish and blow out the candles;
    expresó su deseo de paz para la región he expressed his desire for peace in the region;
    buenos deseos good intentions;
    con mis/nuestros mejores deseos [en carta, obsequio] (with my/our) best wishes;
    conceder un deseo to grant a wish;
    se cumplió mi deseo my wish came true, I got my wish;
    formular un deseo to make a wish;
    pedir un deseo to ask for a wish;
    por deseo expreso de… at the express wish of…;
    su último deseo fue… his last wish was…;
    su último deseo fue que la casa nunca se vendiera her last o dying wish was that the house should never be sold;
    tus deseos son órdenes your wish is my command
    * * *
    m wish
    * * *
    deseo nm
    : wish, desire
    * * *
    deseo n wish [pl. wishes]

    Spanish-English dictionary > deseo

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